Industry Solutions

Food and Beverage Processing

EVERED boiler installations are a major asset to food companies and their employees seeking to maximize operation efficiency and cut energy costs. Whether you’re a vegetable processor, poultry plant, or a dairy processor, modular boilers allow greater flexibility for food processing companies to turn boilers on or off as needed, as well as meet steam demand at the greatest efficiency during peak hours — all while reducing overall wear and tear on the boilers during non-peak hours.

Food and Beverage Processing

Food And Beverage Processing


A reliable steam boiler is a necessary component of any food manufacturing facility. In addition to generating hot steam for sanitation cleaning purposes, steam is also used to heat massive ovens or cooking pots, heat the facility during the winter months, and supply steam for batch processing and other food preparation procedures.

Enterprise strength and service support

Integrating R&D, production, distribution, and service-providing into one enterprise, EVERED attaches great importance to communication with customers. We have established an after sales visit team consisting of more than 56 persons. On the one hand, they timely solve the problems that our customers encounter; on the other hand, they collect feedback and improvement recommendations from our customers, to correctly orient our development and research.

EVERED Several production bases for production Several production bases for production
EVERED Free budget analysis, program planning Free budget analysis, program planning
EVERED Service that exceeds expectations Service that exceeds expectations